Let’s face it – when you get right down to it, fear is at the core of so many of our stuck moments in life. We may be afraid of being the bad guy, being ridiculed or getting fired. So, instead of taking risks, we passively limit our lives. Some might complain instead of solving their problems while others might leave it up to fate to decide. How many times have you said to yourself, “It’s up to the Universe.”? I’m here to tell you that the Universe doesn’t care one way or other and it doesn’t determine what is right or wrong for you. The Universe only gives you what you want. It brings to you a vibrational match to what you are thinking and energetically putting out. YOU are the final authority of your own choices. Therefore, if you want to change your experiences and circumstances it is imperative that you take action and make choices that align with your true desires instead of remaining stuck in fear.
Because of our fears, we tend to avoid new experiences or even give up on our dreams. And, the saddest of all the things we might do to ourselves is to stop standing up for what we believe in. Knowing that fear is at the heart of a stuck moment is a necessary first step towards moving forward.
But, before I get into suggesting some solutions that help you peek at what’s on the other side of that wall of fear, I want to talk about how and why our fears get developed in the first place.
Most of us know that fear is a built-in survival tool that comes from the reptilian part of the brain. I’m talking about the kind of fear that we feel when we are in physical danger. It’s that fight or flight mechanism that instinctively kicks in without needing to take the time to think logically about the experience. It’s just there and really, it’s a good thing because that is what helps protect us in the physical world. It’s that unconscious safety net that kicks in when we trip on a flight of stairs. Instinctively and without conscious thought, our hand immediately grabs for the railing to help save us from tumbling down. Without this part of our brain, we’d never survive this physical realm!
However, there is another kind of fear which is emotional fear. This is where the brain gets confused because now we are involving the heart which can also be considered a brain. Did you know that in the fourth Century, BC, Aristotle considered the brain to be a secondary organ that served as a cooling agent to the heart? He thought the heart to be a place in which spirit circulated freely. In other words, he believed that the source of our consciousness was the heart; not the brain and that the brain was an organ for venting excess heat.
Interesting to think about, isn’t it? I mean, take anger as an example. It is actually an expression of fear. Oftentimes, our anger is when we are pretending to be brave. It is emotional (heart-based) and although we can express anger in different ways, it is expressed and vented from the brain which is making the attempt to soothe and cool the heart. On the other hand, if anger is suppressed it can become toxic and affect the heart if the fear is not healed. That toxic energy can eventually create dis-ease.
Make an attempt to pull your attitude out of the mud and take it to the stars.
Emotional fears are what keep us stuck in the mud. These kinds of fears are based on memories from past experiences. When we have experienced past negative events, our hearts and our subconscious mind can retain that memory which then, in turn, can falsely translate into a worry that the same experience will happen again. Here is an example: a mother gets caught in traffic which makes her very late for picking up her daughter at school. The little girl is left standing alone waiting for what feels like an eternity to a child! She becomes fearful that she’s been forgotten by her own mother. Left long enough, that experience can become a real fear of abandonment that will haunt her for years and even into adulthood. Although the child may have been physically safe, she didn’t feel safe but she may also have experienced from her mind and heart that perhaps on some level her mother did not love her. Once her mother finally does arrive, she feels safe again. However, by the time she’s grown into adulthood, that experience got stuck within her subconscious mind now has created a negative core belief that she is unsafe and unlovable which can then possibly manifest as fear of abandonment and worry of not being lovable. This false, negative core belief can affect her relationships and keep her stuck with making choices that are not aligned with who she truly is in the Now; safe and loveable.
On the other side of the wall of fear is where your True Self resides. In the Light of Truth, fear disappears just like darkness ceases to exist when you expose it to light. Darkness is not a thing, in and of itself; it is merely the absence of light and just like darkness, fear is nonexistent in the Light of Truth. The solution to getting unstuck and to experience your own Divinity is to face your fears.
However, before you can face your fears head-on, the first step you must take is to become aware and acknowledge them. That’s right. Take an honest look at your fears. What are they? If you don’t really know, try jotting down some typical fears that you see in other people like being afraid to be seen for who I really am, afraid to be judged, afraid of failure. Before long, you will start to feel a little “pang” somewhere in your body that’s indicating you have that fear. Tell yourself this is all ok. You can actually rejoice in having this awareness because now you can empower yourself by leaning into your fears so that you can begin to make new choices.
The second thing you can do is to develop the mindset of determination. Begin with examining your limiting thoughts and false beliefs and start telling yourself they are all lies. For example, if you think you can’t do something start realizing that you can! Shape your mindset with set visions and goals and look for powerful role models to emulate. Clearly see where you want to go and then work towards creating a belief that you truly can achieve it.
Thirdly, allow yourself to play with the energies of passion and possibilities which are just on the other side of the wall of fear. Ask yourself: what if, on the other side of the wall of fear, is an opportunity for me to step into my Divine Nature; that which is the True Me? What would that feel like? What does it look like, taste like, sound like? Engage all of your senses for experiencing the new and empowered you.
And, lastly – always remember that most fear is just a worry about something that hasn’t happened yet. Stay in the here and now and know that whatever it is you’re fearing, it is not your present experience, whatsoever.
“Nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now; and if the past cannot prevent you from being present now, what power does it have?” Eckart Tolle
Are you ready to see what’s on the other side of fear?
Jolene Hayes is a Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Transformational Mentor. She reads your Akashic Records to help you discover your Divine Soul Blueprint and what may be energetically blocking and restricting you from living your desired life.