I have been curious about possible gaps in the Law of Attraction (LoA) and the way in which many people may perceive it and practice it. Now, first of all I want to make clear that I will not be bashing this amazing Universal Law as I know that there are many people experiencing their alignment with it. Nor am I challenging any of the amazing and profound channelings that have come through on the LoA. But, for many years I have been engaging in lengthy conversations about this subject, wondering if anyone else suspects that something seems to be missing in the understanding and implementing of the steps of Desiring, Asking and Allowing.
This is the second of three articles on this subject that addresses possible, and perhaps practical bridges to some gaps the LoA. As in my first article, the first possible bridge was about thinking the thoughts, but how our thoughts actually go way below the surface of our everyday awareness and right into the subconscious. What gets created there can be negating core beliefs. I end that article by mentioning the possibility that everything gets better can become a probability, so that’s where I’ll start here.
Several years ago I woke one morning with what I call a “knowing” or a “revelation” in that there really is no such thing as negative energy in the way we normally perceive negativity. It was one of those spiritual revelations that you just know something but you can’t quite put it into words and you’re not exactly sure how to apply it to your life. It was such a short and sweet little channeling that to describe it to anyone else would not give it justice in comparison to the profoundness I experienced in the knowing of it. I didn’t realize it then, but I’m now wondering if it was related to the Law of Attraction – one of those bridges to the “gaps” that I’m talking about. “There is really no such thing as negative energy” and how that now translates to me is that I have always felt that no matter what, we as human beings are at all times on a positive, ever-evolving spiritual quest; whether it is conscious or unconscious and that it is our perceptions that bring about judgment and labeling.
Some of us are more “awake” and some have yet to open the door wider. But, if we choose to believe this even our perceived mistakes and bad choices can be considered as positive experiences in that they will eventually catapult us into a great sense of self-awareness and growth. We then feel we MUST seek out things that get better! I believe that no matter what the evolutionary level of the individual Soul, we are all still heading or at least trying to head in a positive direction – to Source Energy, Divine Energy, Home….whatever your preferred name. God. Self.
If we really knew this deep down and claim it as our Truth – that everything gets better, then I think that this is a stable platform from which to jump off with a leap of faith.
If we were to truly embrace that the belief that everything gets better, it only stands to reason that it will! So, what holds us back? Why are we still not manifesting our desires? I’ll share with you just one of the reasons why we don’t manifest our desires in one single word. Resistance. Our resistance, on so many levels of our psyche is one thing that makes manifesting take so long! It is true what they say – what you resist will persist; hence the Law of Attraction! Becoming aware and understanding our own resistances is key to bridging an important gap in manifesting our desired outcomes.
Think about this….how many times in your life have you knowingly yielded to resistance? I know I have many times over and over again. Why do we resist ourselves? Well, for so many reasons, and perhaps too many to name. But, for many of us we have experienced blocks and restrictions in our work, relationships, and our creativity among other areas of our lives. For example, I have met many amazing and talented artists who have a “block” for getting their work onto paper, or canvas or on stage; unable to really get their work out into the world. So many times I have heard the words, “I’m not good enough….yet” or “selling is not my thing; it makes me uncomfortable” or “I don’t need that kind of attention, to be noticed is so egotistical and self-centered.” Oftentimes, this all boils down to the sense of self-worth. It’s a belief; a false belief or a conditioning. Many of us have not been raised in an environment that tells us we are the magnificent Beings that we truly are! It’s all part of the game, of course. The human game; Spirits experiencing the Self as third dimensional human beings.
However, I think that it’s time for us to step up to the plate and become who we are meant to be, to tap into our Divine Infinite; whether it be abundance in monetary wealth, or in love and joy and inner peace. As many of us as there are who study the LoA stuff, there are also many skeptics, and that’s ok. But, these days I’m witnessing many open and consciously aware people who are in the “know” about the LoA, but still don’t quite understand how to push through their own resistances. And, get this! Some of us are resistant to facing our resistance! It can be a scary thing to explore our shadows, right?
We are now in a highly conscious time in our lives and those of us who are expanding our awareness just love to dwell in the realms of the 4th and 5th dimensions. We meditate, we dream, we channel, we are mediums and psychics. It’s so much lighter there, right? Literally! We can go there without the heaviness of our third dimensional bodies and experiences and gain great wisdom, so why not? But, I’m here to remind you that we are here in these human bodies for the sake of experiencing ourselves as third dimensional Beings, too. Yes, it is lovely and juicy to explore other realms and it’s not so sweet living within the density of this physical, material world. However, do we go elsewhere as an escape? Do we partake in spiritual bypass? I know that I, myself have done so! Let’s face it, being in those other realms feels, good!
I propose we take all that we are learning from other dimensions and start applying it to our present day, human lives. We are existing on ALL of these dimensions at once. We are Soul AND we are human; there is no separation, yet we innocently and mistakenly perceive ourselves as separate.
Herein lies another gap in the LoA that needs bridging. Action. I know, I know…I recently read from one of the top dog LoA channelings that if we believe that is “action” is required then it is required in order to manifest. But, let’s ponder this….isn’t making a choice to believe something different an action? When we choose to believe something new that is more in alignment, that choice does absolutely nothing without the action of that choice, yes? Something to think about. Action means implementing our inspirations. If we just sit back, slap a smile on our faces, and think our good thoughts into happiness, it’s just not enough. We must take some kind of action by making new choices and having enough courage to do something different even though it is uncomfortable! SThat is working through our resistances in action! So, I cycle back to my original thought here – if you knew that things get better, then why not take the path of least resistance?
Stay tuned for the next and final article in this series where I’ll be addressing the importance of having clear and concise intentions AND….how does your own personal manifestations want to flow!