Tag Archives: core

Bridging the Gaps in the Law of Attraction

For many years I have studied and attempted to align with the Law of Attraction (LoA).  It has both fascinated me and left me feeling a bit confused.  A passionate interest and determination in my spiritual growth has led me through a constant search for tried and true answers and methods.  Bottom line question – how do we take Universal principles such as the Law of Attraction and consciously apply them into our third Dimensional, human existence?

Although I love these magnificent, Universal LoA teachings that are channeled through so many around the world,  I have always felt there were gaps in it;  like there is something else to it that I can’t quite get.  Yet, when I go back and re-read some of my books on the subject, it’s all right there in black and white.  With that said, however, there seems to be an emphasis on what I would call the “magic bullet” in which I think have caused many people to miss the real point.

Recently, these answers to my questions seem to finally be dropping into my fuller awareness.  You see, the LoA seems to be only one part of the equation.  It is as if it is only one color of the rainbow.  One color does not make a rainbow, but put all the colors together and you have a magical and beautiful miracle, right?


I don’t know about all of you, but from so many of the things I’ve read and listened to in regards to the LoA it seems to boil down to specific and simple three steps.  Personally, I love anything simple and methodic so, of course, it is only natural that I gravitate towards this concept – have a desire and think positive thoughts about it, ask for it to manifest and then allow it to come.   Poof!  Seems like magic, right?  Well, it is and it isn’t.   On one hand, I’ve had many wonderful, manifesting experiences throughout my life, as well as, I’ve worked with clients who seem to have a natural ability towards aligning with the LoA.  But, what about those times in life when things get out of whack?

I had spent many years teaching voice and performance and I continue to dip my creative spirit into the arts from time to time.  Several years ago, I segued my professional performing arts career to healing and metaphysical modalities.  Now, as a Soul Realignment Practitioner, I utilize my knowledge, skills and experiences as a hypnotherapist, intuitive, and Akashic Record reader.  Living this very rich and full life brings many magical experiences and I feel so blessed in that I have been awake enough to embrace and appreciate those moments.  But, even though I do consider myself at least slightly above average in the area of conscious awareness (otherwise, I would not be in this profession), but there have also been times of struggle and pain.  I suspect that many of you can also relate to these ups and downs throughout life.  I think it’s normal – we’re here to experience our human-ness, yes?  So, is there a magic bullet out there in the Universe that assures us that all we need to do is think right, ask right and allow right and we get exactly what we want?  I guess my answer to that would be no!  There is nothing out there, of course, it is all within the Self.

All of us who are seeking need teachers to give us a kick-start and that’s why I love what I do.  I would not able to share this information if I did not have my own teachers, mentors and coaches along the way.  We all need guidance until we achieve our own momentum.  Because of my own asking for guidance, my questions are now manifesting the answers that finally resonate with me.  So, this makes me wonder – are there more people out there just like me who have worked with the LoA, but feel like there is something more to it?

In my search for clearer answers, I was guided to read Deepak Chopra’s book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.   I won’t go into depth here, but I do recommend reading this book   It’s simple and makes sense if you want to learn more about Universal Law.   If there is anything that stuck out for me in that book it’s the Law of Karma – the Law of cause and effect which works hand in hand with our free will and choice.  This is why I am passionate about helping others to open up their conscious awareness in my work because without it, we tend to make bad choices.

“You already have the precious mixture that will make you well.  Use it.”   ~ Rumi

We tend to walk through life with blinders on, not fully aware that we are already empowered to make new and different choices.  The only problem sometimes is that we just don’t know how to uncover our Divine Nature and align with Universal Law. So, how does this tie into the LoA and bridging the gaps?  There is way too much to share with you here in this one article, so I plan to write a series of articles on the subject.  Please stay tuned!  I can’t promise that in the end you will see a step-by-step process that you can follow in order to manifest everything you ever wanted.  Especially, since each one of you is an individual Soul with your own personal gifts and have your own unique, Divine Soul Purpose.  But, I do know that you will have gained a much greater awareness about how Universal Laws can work together so that you can begin creating a blueprint for living a rich, interesting and easier life!



Let’s start with thinking the thoughts we think; which is HUGE in the realm of LoA.  I do advocate disciplining our thoughts.    Not always a simple task, but it is do-able.   The concept that I would like to delve a little deeper into is the concept of “beliefs”.  Yes, we can think better thoughts.  We can think happier thoughts.  But, what IF we have core beliefs that unconsciously block us from being in our Truth about being happy? Now that’s food for thought, isn’t it?   Core beliefs reside in the subconscious and some of those core beliefs can be negative.  What I mean by “negative” is anything that “negates” or goes against our Divine Nature.

Many people are unwilling to really explore their subconscious beliefs that negate their positive and forward movement.  But, just being “happy” is like putting a band-aid on our subconscious parts that block our Divinity; our creative life-force!  This only allows us to experience fleeting happy moments, but it does not clean up the “windows” that allow us to peer into our Soul.  This is why it is my personal mission to help my clients tap into their Higher Self and work with spirit guidance.  To be consciously aware of ourselves allows us to recognize our negating choices which are often derived from negative core beliefs.  This is key towards making better choices.  You see, the LoA cannot possibly work if we are not making new choices that are congruent with aligning with our Soul’s Divinity.

By now, you may be asking why would anyone really want to rake up all that icky, emotional muck from the past only to re-experience all that pain?   Sounds pretty crazy, I know.  Emotional pain from our past is awful!  But, there are ways to look at your negating choices from a place of detachment and without judgment which I’ll delve into in my next article. Spoiler here – so, if you knew that things can always get better, my question is why would you NOT want to clean your Soul windows in order to experience the LoA through your Divinity?