Do you yearn to understand who you are at your Soul level?
Are you feeling challenged or struggling in certain areas of your life and don’t know how to create better and more fulfilling experiences? Are you ready to embody your true purpose and express your Soul’s unique, Divine gifts? If you are ready to take action towards living in your Divine Nature, then I invite you to read further.

My name is Jolene Hayes and I am a Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner. Soul Realignment is an energy-based, intuitive, spiritual personal growth modality. As a Soul Realignment Practitioner, I can access and share with you the cosmic, energetic imprint of your soul through what is known as the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records contain every thought, emotion, action and experience that has ever occurred in space and time. It is a holographic storehouse of information for human consciousness for the past, the present, and the potentials and possibilities for the future.
With a Soul Profile Akashic Record reading, you will learn about your own, unique Divine gifts, your Soul’s origination and qualities, past life historical periods and Mystery Schools that are a positive influence for you in present-day life. With the Soul Realignment part of this reading, you will learn about any choices your soul has made that are still restricting and challenging your life experiences and that are not in alignment with your Divinity. Within your Akashic Records, these misalignments will be energetically cleared. Therefore by bringing this information into your conscious awareness you will be able to make new choices so that you can create what you truly desire!
As my gift to you, please sign up for instant access to my complimentary report “Five Tips on How to Connect with Your Higher Self” by entering your name and email address in the box above. Connecting with your Higher Self is a powerful spiritual tool for taking control of your life. It will help you make positive, conscious choices that are more aligned with your Divinity.