Below is a list of readings currently available. I highly recommend new clients to start with the 30-day Soul Profile and Realignment Process. The client bears the responsibility for all long-distance charges.
Generally, I will be able to do your reading within approximately three days upon receipt of your payment. However, there may be times when I have an excess of readings that I’m currently working on which may take up to one to two weeks. If this is the case, I will of course give an approximate date for you to expect your reading to be done.
There is a 24-hour cancellation policy, should you need to reschedule.
The Process and What You Will Get ~
- In the privacy of my own sacred space, I access your Akashic Records to do your reading.
- You will receive a written report of your Soul Profile via email and at this time we will schedule a call-in session discuss the Soul Realignment portion of your reading and address any questions you may have. (approx. 30 minutes)
- Customized energetic clearing work in your Akashic Records
- Prayer homework.
- 30 day follow-up mentoring
This reading is ideal for you if you want a clear understanding of your Divine Gifts. We will also look at how you may be creating energetic blocks that need clearing, as well as, discuss what conscious choices you can make in order to make positive and transformational shifts in your present, everyday life.

This is a powerful, yet gentle and loving intuitive reading if you’re wanting guidance on a specific personal matter. Please email me your question for guidance from the Angels upon payment. I am Certified as a Professional Angel Tarot Reading Practitioner by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.
As a Professional Dream Interpreter, I can help you uncover some of the workings of your subconscious mind through your dreams. Your dreams are a powerful part of your inner makings that can help you untangle certain matters in your everyday life. Upon payment, please email a written paragraph or two about a dream that you would like interpreted. Write as much detail as you can remember about the dream.
After a Soul Realignment session, you can still feel a bit lost and overwhelmed by the new energies and insights. You may be unsure about what direction to take because you’ve had so much momentum in living from the perspective and choices created from the old, negative habits. We desperately want to move forward, but we just don’t know how to do that over the long term. Realigning to our Divinity can be challenging because it’s so easy to allow ourselves to unconsciously slip back into our comfort zone of old patterns. Coaching will help you incorporate the deeper insights gained from previous readings for greater transformation that will have a lasting effect in your life. Because I only want to do this work with people who are really invested in their own work, you will be asked to fill out a short application. This is to help determine if we will be the right fit. Upon acceptance of your application, I will then set up a complimentary strategy session with you in order to discuss which coaching package will best fit your needs. Please email me if you are interested, jolene@divinesoulwisdom.com.