“Your life’s purpose is to be the creator you were born to be. Which means you intended to explore and you intended to know what you don’t
want and you intended to know what you do want. But, most of all you intended to be aware of your relationship with Source Energy.”
Hello! My name is Jolene Hayes. I am an Advanced Soul Realignment practitioner, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a spiritual mentor. I work with clients who are highly invested in their personal and spiritual growth and who are consciously on a path of creating an abundant, joyful and empowered life.
As a psychic, I read your Akashic Records in order to help you recognize certain blocks and restrictions that keep you stuck in patterns that no longer serve your highest good. I also help you discover your Soul’s blueprint so that you can make conscious choices that align with your own unique, Divine qualities. The more congruent with who you are at Soul level, the more you can consciously create the outcome and life you want.
My own journey began early on as a professional singer, performer and teacher. It was a career that I enjoyed for many years because, not
only did it allow me to express my creativity and diverse talents, but I also had the pleasure of helping my students discover their own
uniqueness through singing and performing. I had created my own, unique style of teaching by working with my students in such a way that
facilitated their personal growth. Somehow, I had always known that singing and performing could actually be a “vehicle” for
discovering the deeper, inner makings of each unique Soul, as well as, a way to allow for transformation.
To a certain extent, this is what led me to become a hypnotherapist and now, ultimately an Akashic Record Reader. I wanted to work with people in a more meaningful way. While hypnotherapy helps people to consciously focus in on themselves from a heightened awareness, Soul Realignment takes it even further by helping them realize their Divine potential!
In today’s world, individuals who are invested in taking control of their lives and manifesting what they want are looking for a new set of life skills. I have the ability to take spiritual discoveries and help you to translate them into practical actions in order to create and manifest your intentions.
I feel blessed and honored to help you discover who you are at your Soul level!